
Antioxidants are substances that support the resistance of cells against the adverse effects of free radicals formed by oxidative stress. The formation of free radicals is a process that occurs when the body is subjected daily to a number of external factors such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, toxins and chemical compounds in food, water and preparations, stress and excessive training.

Oxidative stress is largely responsible for premature aging and is one of the most important factors for the occurrence and development of most of the modern diseases affecting the immune system, blood vessels, metabolism, etc. Some of the strongest antioxidants that the cell uses are vitamins E and C, microelements such as selenium and polyphenol compounds. The intake of antioxidant complexes under the form of food supplements, support the human body in limiting the negative effects of the impact of free radicals on the functional stability of physiological systems.

Alternative approach to support mental endurance, concentration and memory.
Method for:
suppression of free radicals
increase the overall resistance of the body to the stress of everyday life
improving cognitive processes

Recommended dose and instructions for use:
Recommended dose: 1 2 sachets daily dissolved in 150 ml of water.
Do not exceed the recommended dose for daily intake!
Do not use as a substitute for a varied diet!
Warnings: Do not use the food additive if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients.


СompositionСontent in 1 sachetMaximum daily dose of 2 sachets
Extract from standardised of 70% natural vitamin C from fruits of rosehip (Rosa Canina)430mg
(300 mg vitamin С)
(600 mg vitamin С)
Extract from
Melissa officianalis
(lemon balm)
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate)100 mg200 mg
Vitamin E (as succinate) 7,5 mg 15 mg
Vitamin B65 mg10 mg
Selen (as sodium selenit)50 µg100 µg
Excipients: filler: maltodextrin; natural flavouring: lemon; sweeteners: steviol glycosides; anti-caging agent: silica.


Rosa canina rosehip. Fruits of it are very rich of vitamins: vitamin
(high content); carotene (provitaminA); vitamins B1, B2, RR, K,etc.

An extract from the fruit helps to increase immune stability, exhibits detoxifying effect, improves the elasticity of vessels and tissues

Melissa officinalis – Lemon Balm. Contributes with a pleasant, light but noticeably relaxing and anti-stress effect, without affecting focus and attention. Improves cognitive ability, memory, attention and stimulates brain activity. Normalizes the function of the immune system. Improves digestion and reduces gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition contains substances with pronounced antioxidant properties

Vitamin B6 vitamin of group B. Affects the synthesis of substances related to behavior, mental state, musculo-skeletal system, immune status. Facilitates the normal development of the brain and its functions, actively affects mood

Vitamin E it has powerful antioxidant effect. Affects gene expression, central nervous system function, visual analyzer. Affects the functions of smooth and striated muscle. It helps to maintain a high energy level, with an anabolic (building) effect at larger doses.

Mg citrate source of magnesium. Its intake leads to an improvement in sleep quality in people who suffer from insomnia

or are stressed. Improves emotional and psychological health.

Selenumvital microelement with strong antioxidant action.
Protects the body from the harmful influence of free radicals and contributes to the maintenance of cellular structures. Contributes to
the prevention of oxidative stress and promotes proper thyroid