As it is well known, there is still not available specific/etiological treatment of the infection caused by COVID-19. Various well known medicines are being tested or combination of medicines with different success which for now shows generally speaking disappointing clinical results and significant side effects. From the other side, the enormous efforts which are applying worldwide to develop sufficiently safe and effective vaccine are also connected with lots of unknown facts due to the fact that we are not aware what kind of immunity in terms of power and duration a future vaccine will create.
All of this requires focusing our efforts on prophylaxis of this infection caused unknown so far pandemic in the modern life style. In order to find an appropriate approach in this respect, it is necessary to know well the mechanism of entry of COVID-19 into the body and performing its pathogenetic effects and immunological mechanisms which are the background of it.
Today, it is well known that virus enters into a body through respiratory system which firstly settles deeply in naso-pharynx, afterwards penetrates in a respiratory system and binds to the receptors on the alveoli cells (so called ACE receptors) and cause a severe disruption of the oxygen transport with well- known pathological consequences lead to the Acute Distress Syndrome/ARDS/. From immunological point of view, Covid-19 leads to a severe decrease the level of T-lymphocytes, which are the basis of the cell immunity, especially of the so-called cytotoxic T-lymphocytes to which the main cells fighting infections refer: so-called „Cells-killer“, etc “Memory cells“ – carriers of the immunological memory. In parallel, the virus causes their very powerful activation associated with the release of a large amount of biological active substances, cytokines, which have a different toxic effect in the body and are the basis of the so-called “cytokine storm, leading to various tissue and organ damage. All of this is the body’s cellular-mediated immune response to Covid-19 infection. In addition, the virus also induces a humorous
/ serum/ immune response associated with the formation of specific antibodies of the class IgG, IgG and IgA, which are of great importance to the creation of collective immunity and possibly in the future vaccine, together with stimulation of the cellular immune response.
Based on the above mentioned, it is clear that in case of severe infection with COVID-19, a complicated immunological-cellular and humoral processes which are not fully understood and therefore no attempts should be made to modulate them at this stage of our knowledge.
All this gives us reason to assume that efforts should focus on the possibilities of prevention by stimulating congenital, natural immunity, which has great potential of mechanisms for protection against bacterial and viral infections.
All above is mentioned in order to better understand the proposal to use the products Respistim and Pharynostim in the prevention of Kovid-19 infection. Respistim is a product containing the well-known polybacterial immunomodulator Respivax, enriched with a set of vitamins and minerals with a strong antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. The conducted experimental and clinical data show that it stimulates: the level of protective secretory IgA antibodies, phagocytosis, the level of interferon and surfactant, the activity of T-like receptors, factors that can play a very positive role in the fight against the corona-virus, more precisely in its prevention when taken by healthy people. 1 tablet per day for 3 months allows to achieve good activation of all these immunological mechanisms of congenital immunity.
Pharynostim is also a polybacterial immunomodulator based on lipopolysaccharides and lipopeptides from bacteria most common in the nasopharynx. It is taken by sucking – 3-4 times a day 1 tablet. Thus, the local immune response in the nasopharynx is stimulated. This is very important, since it has already been established that T-cytotoxic lymphocytes are expressed locally as well – on the cells of the alveoli and nasopharynx, and thus their antiviral activity will be stimulated.
Concomitant intake of the two product for 3 months in a pre-epidemic or epidemic period by clinically healthy people would contribute to strengthening their natural/congenital immunity in the fight against various respiratory bacterial and viral infections, incl. and the one caused by Covid-19.